Summer Flower Displays

July is upon us now, and across the nation it’s once again time for Britain in Bloom to catch fire. Real and artificial flowers in a medley of bright, alluring colours spill onto the streets and take over from the lighter, softer tones of spring within shopfronts and restaurants.

With this change coming, window dressers and other design professionals will be turning their thoughts once again to the question of how to match this display and bring in customers.

We’ve looked recently at the importance of maintaining the right tone in floral display in shops and shopping centres as well as in restaurants, and it’s never truer than when not only your competition but the high street itself is brightly coloured with eyecatching flowers.

Not Just Artificial

Real or artificial, it’s the atmosphere created which matters most, and the only question is how best to achieve it. Turning to artificial flowers means they’re less likely to be damaged and require no work, rather than steady effort, to keep them blooming and bright. We can particularly recommend our range of décor flowers here – they’re purpose-designed to form the foundations of bright, eye-catching displays that will keep you in fashion through the summer.

Properly arranged in planters or vases, with a decorative centrepiece display arrangement, these can  completely change the tone of your premises, keeping you fresh even for regular visitors. It’s one of the simplest, surest ways to revitalise your atmosphere, your team, and to perk up potential customers, making them more likely to spend.
